A Spiritual Director
may perhaps better described as a Spiritual Companion or Anam Cara (friend of the heart).


My heart is tender toward individuals who have been wounded by involvement with organized religion as well as those in the church who are sensing a desire to go deeper with God; those serving in ministry, both ordained and not ordained, as they navigate the needs of their own souls; those who identify as LGBTQIA+ as they open their hearts; and all who deeply desire to be heard and to know their true self.

I am available for individual as well as group spiritual direction, and for facilitating contemplative prayer communities, contemplative book discussion groups, spiritual writing circles, and retreats.

A Friend of the Heart

Spiritual companions support people on their spiritual journeys through life, in both the struggles and the joys.

Spiritual companions are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental.

Spiritual companions are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice.

Spiritual companions honor the beliefs of the individuals they companion.

Spiritual companions are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.

Spiritual direction is not counseling or therapy, but is a spiritual and life- giving complement to these processes.